PT. Sukamilk FNB Industry

Sukamilk Group, founded in july 2000, grows from a very small trading company into today national group company with import and manufacturer companies. PT. Sukamilk FNB Industry focuses on Food Nutrition and Beverage Manufacture while PT. Sukamilk Sukses Indonesia focuses on delivering best products and service to clients by being an authorized sales representative from reputable National and International Manufacturer. Our range of expertise offer more suitable and sustainable support for food and beverage industry. The strongest product line of Sukamilk FNB Industry are specialty dairy products, food additives, food ingredients, food service, seasoning and beverages. Sukamilk Group now employs many specialist to give the best service to our clients. Services include consultation, factory visit, on site joint experiment, problem solving, samples and best solution of raw material supply. We are honoured to serve reputable national and multinational costumers continously for almost 20 y...

Cara Memasak Ayam Tepung Kentucky (Zlatos/Spico)


1. Siapkan 8 potong (500g) ayam
2. Siapkan adonan basah dan kering
- Adonan Basah : 6 sdm tepung kentucky + 12 sdm air dingin
- Adonan Kering : Sisa tepung kentucky
3. Celupkan potongan ayam kedalam adonan kering hingga rata lalu angkat dan masukan ke adonan basah kemudian masukan kembali keadonan kering lagi sambil ditekan dan diremas selama 10 kali
4. Goreng ayam dengan cara deepfry terendam minyak seluruhnya)
dengan suhu 180ºC hingga berwarna kuning keemasan.
5. Jika sudah berwarna kuning keemasan, angkat, tiriskan dan sajikan.


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PT. Sukamilk FNB Industry